Monday, July 27, 2020
The Playbook
How many more pages of history must drip with blood and destitution?
Classic Leftism, again and again.
Organized bands of thugs and pampered suburban — largely white(!) — basement dwellers, spend weeks attacking and destroying private businesses, public statues, and private citizens.
The Democrat fellow-travelers who run the now destroyed cities express their full solidarity with the communist/“anarchists.”
The Federal government finally sends its own law-enforcement personnel to protect the public buildings.
The worthless thugs demand that law-enforcement leave so the mob can express their “right” to destroy property and harm people.
The Democrat/communist thugs whine on supportive cable networks that police are hurting them. Seriously!
In Minneapolis, an Antifa/BLM mob breaks a private gate and threatens the owners of a home with death, the burning down of their home, and even threatening to kill their dog. When police refuse to respond, the home-owners brandish guns on their own property to protect it ...and their lives.
...the homeowners are charged with crimes by a Soros-funded leftist prosecutor.
This is now life in leftland, where defense of decency, free expression, and simple safety is called into question by the Marxist rabble.
Like all communist movements in history, these evil swine will eventually harm anyone, including their stupid compliant allies in media, colleges, and the Democomm party — a consortium of pseudo-intellectuals too stupid to accurately appraise the pages of history regrading their favored political ideology.
This is today’s Democrat party in action. This is typical leftism in action.
This has nothing to do with George Floyd, “racism,” Donald Trump, or any other gripe of the day. This is the pathological power-craving left doing what they have always done.
Don’t be complicit in the destruction of free, safe, and stable society. When the time comes, act within the law, act defensively, and, act accordingly.